57 research outputs found

    Centro Cultural la Carolina : unión e integración al espacio verde

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    The cultural centers are spaces where several areas of knowledge are carried out, such as plastic arts, science, technology, artistic and cultural activities. These buildings function as educational and tourist centers, where their main function is to offer education and culture to society...Los centros culturales son espacios donde se llevan a cabo varias áreas de conocimiento como lo son las artes plásticas, ciencia, tecnología, actividades artísticas y culturales. Estas edificaciones funcionan como centros educativos y también turísticos, donde su principal función es ofrecer educación y cultura a la sociedad..

    Características psicológicas deportivas en jóvenes residentes de Bogotá: un análisis cognitivo conductual

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa investigación identifico las actitudes que tienen las personas frente a la actividad física, para tal propósito, la muestra fue de 200 participantes, de los cuales 94 fueron hombres y 106 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 35 años. El estudio Se usó el diseño no experimental de tipo transversal exploratorio. En los resultados se identificó que los jóvenes presentan una actitud positiva hacia el deporte.1. Resumen 2. Justificación 3. Planteamiento del problema 4. Objetivos 5. Variables 6. Método 7. Aspectos éticos 8. Resultados 9. Discusión 10. Referencias 11. AnexosPregradoPsicólog

    Factores que influyen en el aprendizaje de la lectura de los estudiantes del grado primero y segundo de la Institución Educativa Rural Celestino Díaz del Municipio de Chigorodó

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    Analizar los factores que influyen en el aprendizaje de la lectura de los niños y niñas del grado primero y segundo de la institución educativa rural Celestino Díaz del municipio de Chigorodó.Es evidente a lo largo de nuestra vida académica la situación y los grandes vacíos que tiene nuestra educación con respecto al proceso lectoescritura que debe llevar cada estudiante, Todos creen saber cómo hacerlo, hacer uso apropiadamente de las estrategias para lograr una mayor comprensión, sin embargo, la evidencia, nos comprueba que no es así. Leer contrario a lo que hacen los estudiantes no es interpretar símbolos lingüísticos, éste implica ir más allá de lo meramente escrito, sumergirse sin límites en el texto que se lee, pensarlo, analizarlo, vivirlo, el nivel de comprensión de lectoescritura no se encuentra en el mejor estado, de hecho su calidad es notoriamente deficiente, por lo cual es de vital importancia que todos los individuos que hacen parte de la comunidad educativa Celestino Díaz inicien un plan de mejoramiento teniendo en cuenta los datos que con esta investigación se pudieron recoger. El proceso de lectura es uno de los procesos más extensos y complejos que existen, por ello es necesario trabajar en su desarrollo y mejoramiento desde el inicio de la etapa escolar, donde se debe tener un compromiso tanto de estudiantes como de docentes es determinar la solución del problema de insatisfacción frente al precario nivel de comprensión de lectura que presentan los estudiantes del grado primero y segundo de la Institución Educativa Rural Celestino Díaz.It is evident throughout our academic life the situation and the great gaps that our education has regarding the reading and writing process that each student must take. Everyone thinks they know how to do it, make appropriate use of the strategies to achieve a better understanding, however, the evidence proves that it is not so. To read contrary to what students do is not to interpret linguistic symbols, this implies going beyond what is merely written, immersing themselves without limits in the text that is read, thinking about it, analyzing it, living it, the level of literacy comprehension is not found in The best state, in fact its quality is notoriously deficient, so it is vitally important that all individuals who are part of the Celestino Díaz educational community initiate an improvement plan taking into account the data that with this research could be collected. The reading process is one of the most extensive and complex processes that exist, so it is necessary to work on its development and improvement from the beginning of the school stage, where you must have a commitment from both students and teachers is to determine the solution of the problem of dissatisfaction with the precarious level of reading comprehension presented by the students of the first and second grade of the Celestino Díaz Rural Educational Institution

    Caracterização dos aspectos relacionados à criança, aos cuidados maternos e escolares de uma criança com autismo: um estudo de caso

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    O autismo é caracterizado pela presença de prejuízos no desenvolvimento da comunicação e interação social. Buscou-se, com este estudo, conhecer a criança com Transtorno de Espectro Autista (TEA), e abordar as relações com as áreas de cognição, psicomotricidade e personalidade, bem como refletir sobre os cuidados maternos e escolares da criança. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de uma criança diagnosticada com espectro autista (TEA), de cinco anos de idade, que frequenta o III ano do pré-escolar. A análise foi feita por meio do teste Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH), de duas técnicas, desenho-história com tema e desenvolvimento psicomotor, e de uma entrevista semiestruturada, que procurou conhecer os cuidados da mãe e da professora em relação à criança diagnosticada com o TEA. Neste trabalho sublinha-se a relevância do cuidado materno e escolar no desenvolvimento de uma criança com TEA, bem como a maneira que a mãe evita que a criança se prenda a rotinas, e a visível preparação da escola e da professora na inclusão ao receber a criança autista. Os resultados evidenciaram a importância dos cuidados maternos e escolares frente à criança com TEA, mediante a estimulação e a intervenção precoce, para uma melhor autonomia. Pretende-se, com este estudo, contribuir para que pais, professores e profissionais dessa área busquem cada vez mais estimular a criança autista para que alcance níveis de evolução satisfatórios.Palavras-chave: Autismo infantil. Caracterização da criança. Cuidados maternos e escolares

    Emotional competencies in the teacher of basic school in the area of History, Geography and Social Sciences

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)La presente investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar las Competencias Emocionales que presenta un docente de escuela básica en el área de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales; competencias necesarias para la sociedad del siglo XXI, que va evolucionando continuamente con el fin de promover una educación integra y de calidad

    Micro-CT evaluation of apical enlargement of molar root canals using rotary or reciprocating heat-treated NiTi instruments

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    ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the root canal preparation and apical enlargement of molar root canals with rotary or reciprocating heat-treated nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments, by using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). MethodologyMesial root canals (n=48) of mandibular molars, with a curvature between 20° and 40°, were prepared with ProDesign Logic (PDL) 25.01 and 25.06 in rotary motion, or ProDesign R (PDR) 25.06 in reciprocating motion (PDR). Apical enlargement was performed with PDL35.01 and PDL35.05 or PDR35.05. Scanning with 9 µm resolution was performed before and after preparation, and, after apical enlargement, by using micro-CT. The percentage of volume increase, debris and untouched root canal surface, transportation, centralization and preparation time were analyzed. ANOVA and Tukey or Kruskall-Wallis and Dunn statistical tests were conducted (α=.05). ResultsPDL promoted a higher apical percentage of volume increase, and lower percentage of debris and untouched root canal surface than PDR 25.06 preparation in entire canal and in all thirds (P<.05). Apical enlargement with PDL 35.05 and PDR 35.05 produced a higher percentage of volume increase in the apical region in relation to the initial preparation (P<.05). PDR 35.05 and PDL 35.05 showed similar results in relation to percentage of debris and untouched root canal surface in entire canal and in all thirds (P>.05). Centralization and transportation showed no difference (P>.05). PDR required less time to perform preparation and apical enlargement (P<.05). Conclusions:The apical enlargement 35.05 with CM heat-treatment instruments using reciprocating and rotary motion reduced the percentage of debris and untouched root canal surface, without causing deviations or procedural errors. The protocol of greater apical enlargement favors the cleaning of the root canals in both kinematics. Preparation by the reciprocating system was faster than by the rotary system


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    Archivo Documental de lo actuado por el Teatro Universitario del Salvador entre 1960 y 2000

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    El Proyecto consiste en la recopilación y ordenamiento de materiales existente sobre las puestas en escena realizadas por el Teatro Universitario del Salvador, actividad ligada a la metodología de la enseñanza de Escenografía en la Universidad del Salvador.A través de esta práctica la carrera de Escenografía se ha nutrido de los conocimientos extraídos de la instancia experimental del Teatro Universitario, cuyos espectáculos funcionaron como un laboratorio que permitió actualizar y enriquecer el contenido programático.Partiendo de establecer una cronología se han recuperado documentos que fueron agrupados en cuatro categorías: 1- Documentos sobre el Proceso de puesta en escena; 2- Objetos escenográficos; 3- testimonios y difusión.De la documentación obtenida se desprende que la actividad comenzó en 1960 cuando la Comedia Universitaria del Salvador convoca a Alice Darramón de Beitía como escenógrafa para sus espectáculos. Su aporte da lugar a la creación del Departamento de Escenografía que funcionaba dentro del edificio del Colegio del Salvador de Buenos Aires donde se inicia el “Teatro de Ensayo” en 1962. En 1963 compone “Imagen y Sonido”; en 1964, “Canto a la Doctrina” y en 1965 “Canto a la Creación”. Junto a las Muestras de Trabajos de estudiantes de Escenografía, presentan en las Galerías Witcomb, “La Máquina”, instalación y performance en 1966 y, “Poemas y canciones españoles” en 1967.Esta primera etapa de la década de los ‘60 marcó una modalidad de trabajo dirigida a fortalecer los aspectos didácticos de la práctica, promoviendo la participación activa de los estudiantes en las etapas de creación, desarrollo del proyecto, producción, incluyendo la colaboración en las funciones, y cubriendo los diversos papeles que requiere una puesta en escena completa.The project involves the compilation and sorting of existing materials by the staging performed by the Salvador University Theater and activity related to the teaching methodology of Scenery at the University of Salvador. Through this practice Scenery career has been nurtured by the knowledge from the experimentalinstance of University Theater, whose shows and plays functioned as a laboratory allowing updateand enrich the program contents.From establish a chronology recovered documents were grouped into four categories: 1. Documentson the Process of staging; 2- Scenic Objects; 3- Testimonies and communications.Documentation obtained shows that the activity began in 1960 when the University of SalvadorComedy calls Alice Darramón Beitía as a set designer for their shows and plays. Her contributionresults in the creation of the Department of Set Design that worked in the building of the College ofSalvador in Buenos Aires where the “Test Theatre” starts in 1962. In 1963 it composed “Sound andVision”; in 1964, “Song to the Doctrine” and in 1965 “Song to the Creation.” With the exhibition ofstudents’ set works, it was presented in Witcomb Galleries, in 1966 “The Machine”, installation andperformance, and “ Spanish Poems and songs” (Selection of Gold Age Spanish poems), in 1967.This first period of the 60’s marked a working method aimed at strengthening the educationalaspects of the practice, promoting the active participation of students in the stages of creation, projectdevelopment, production, including collaboration functions covering the different roles thatrequires a complete commissioning Show


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    Mihouse es una solución dinámica y sostenible para las condiciones reales del barrio en Cali, Colombia, con posibilidades de adaptarse a cualquier lugar. El objetivo principal del equipo es ofrecer un barrio innovador con condiciones de alta asequibilidad a través de una alta densidad de 128 unidades de vivienda que pueden expandirse pronto con fines productivos. Su diseño incluye un generoso entorno verde que ofrece una unidad habitacional confortable, flexible, progresiva y productiva a lo largo del tiempo. Teniendo en cuenta los principios de sostenibilidad, se ha diseñado un plan de gestión integral del agua diseñado un plan de gestión integrada del agua, en el que la recogida de agua de lluvia permite consumir menos agua potable y reutilizarla para la limpieza de los baños, entre otras cosas. Para la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos, se propone la creación de una pequeña empresa que gestione los residuos de la comunidad. Además, Mihouse aprovecha el Sol como fuente de energía gratuita mediante un sistema solar fotovoltaico conectado a la red con capacidad de almacenamiento, que producirá y utilizará su propia energía eléctrica además de poder vender el exceso de energía captada a la red, haciendo el sistema sostenible en el tiempoMihouse is a dynamic and sustainable solution for real neighborhood conditions in Cali, Colombia, with possibilities to be adapted anywhere. The team’s main goal is to offer an innovative neighborhood with high affordability conditions through a high density of 128 living units that can expand soon for productive purposes. Its design includes a generous green environment offering a comfortable living unit, flexible, progressive and productive along the time Considering sustainable principles, an integrated water management plan has been designed, in which rainwater harvesting allows us to consume less potable water and reusing it for cleaning bathrooms among others. For the integrated solid waste management, the creation of a small company to manage the community’s residues is proposed. Furthermore, Mihouse takes advantage of the Sun as a free energy source using a solar photovoltaic gridconnected system with storage capacity, that will produce and use its own electrical energy as well as being able to sell the excess of captured energy to the grid, making the system sustainable during the time.Primera edició

    Prospective study of factors associated with asthma attack recurrence (ATTACK) in children from three Ecuadorian cities during COVID-19: a study protocol.

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    INTRODUCTION Asthma is a growing health problem in children in marginalised urban settings in low-income and middle-income countries. Asthma attacks are an important cause of emergency care attendance and long-term morbidity. We designed a prospective study, the Asthma Attacks study, to identify factors associated with recurrence of asthma attacks (or exacerbations) among children and adolescents attending emergency care in three Ecuadorian cities. METHODS AND ANALYSIS Prospective cohort study designed to identify risk factors associated with recurrence of asthma attacks in 450 children and adolescents aged 5-17 years attending emergency care in public hospitals in three Ecuadorian cities (Quito, Cuenca and Portoviejo). The primary outcome will be rate of asthma attack recurrence during up to 12 months of follow-up. Data are being collected at baseline and during follow-up by questionnaire: sociodemographic data, asthma history and management (baseline only); recurrence of asthma symptoms and attacks (monthly); economic costs of asthma to family; Asthma Control Test; Pediatric Asthma Quality of life Questionnaire; and Newcastle Asthma Knowledge Questionnaire (baseline only). In addition, the following are being measured at baseline and during follow-up: lung function and reversibility by spirometry before and after salbutamol; fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO); and presence of IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in blood. Recruitment started in 2019 but because of severe disruption to emergency services caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, eligibility criteria were modified to include asthmatic children with uncontrolled symptoms and registered with collaborating hospitals. Data will be analysed using logistic regression and survival analyses. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION Ethical approval was obtained from the Hospital General Docente de Calderon (CEISH-HGDC 2019-001) and Ecuadorian Ministry of Public Health (MSP-CGDES-2021-0041-O N° 096-2021). The study results will be disseminated through presentations at conferences and to key stakeholder groups including policy-makers, postgraduate theses, peer-review publications and a study website. Participants gave informed consent to participate in the study before taking part